SPSA Presidents Awards

Contact Information

Complete the details for the nominator and nominee(s) below.

Nominator Information

Award Descriptions

President's Award for Youth

The President’s Award for Youth honours a high school student within the Emergency Services Response Training Program that has shown their commitment, skill, dedication, and interest in helping others. Eligibility is limited to one student from each school that offers the Emergency Services Response Training Program. This award can also be presented to a youth or child who has demonstrated a special commitment to enhancing public safety or performing lifesaving measures.

President’s Award for Prevention or Prevention Initiative

The President’s Award for Prevention or Prevention Initiative honours a community, schools, or organization that has taken great steps to improve the preparedness within their specific jurisdiction. Consideration will be given to the impact on neighbouring communities. Please note the nominations must include the person responsible for the initiative as well as any applicable team members.

Award Category

Select only one of the following nominations in the dropdown menu.

Nominee Information

Type of Nomination - Fill out only one of the sections below:

Team (Only for Prevention or Prevention Initiative)

NOTE: If the team you are nominating has more than four people, please send a list with their names and contact information to the SPSA Recognition Group: recognitionspsa@gov.sk.ca

**Submission deadline is March 31, 2025**

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