
Discover what it means to be FireSmart™. Find out what you can do to prevent and prepare for wildfire and protect your home. 


Every year, provincial and municipal firefighters have to put out wildfires from campfires that get away which can lead to property loss and damage. Don’t let
yours be one of them. Check out how to FireSmart™ your campfire.

FireSmart™ Case Studies

Being FireSmart™ works. Explore authentic real-life narratives about how taking action before wildfire made a huge difference for several communities.

FireSmart™ Resources for Schools

Anyone can help prevent and prepare for wildfire. Communities can bring FireSmart™ into classrooms with our kid-friendly fire ambassador booklet. For more information, contact

New Construction made FireSmart™

Development standards play a significant role in reducing the potential impact a wildfire will have on a community. The recommendations in the FireSmart™ Canada Home Development Guide will reduce the risk of wildfire to your community.

Protect Your Community

Saskatchewan’s Emergency Planning Act requires communities to develop plans to respond to the threat from wildfire or other emergencies. You can make a difference when it comes to keeping your community safe. Find out how your community can be recognized as FireSmart™.

Protect Your Farm or Ranch

If you’re a farmer or a rancher, you may face special burning challenges.
Learn how to safely burn stubble, piles and windrows, and find tips on handling livestock in the case of a wildfire. Information on obtaining a burn notification number can be found here.


Protect Your Home and Yard

If you live in or near the forest, wildfire happens. Are you ready? Find out, using your homeowner’s manual and booklet, and other helpful information.

Protect Your Industrial and Commercial Operations

If businesses within your community operate in or near provincial forests or parks, you can take steps to reduce and manage wildfire risk. Learn about best practices and your legal obligations to prepare for and prevent wildfires.



FireSmart™ - General Overview Video

FireSmart™ - Stubble Burning Video

FireSmart™ - Campfires and Fire Pits Video

FireSmart™ - Home Development Guide Video

FireSmart™ - Protect Our Land Video

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