Emergency Management Workshops and Exercises

The SPSA offers training for members of community emergency planning committees to enhance their skills and knowledge. All emergency management workshops can be requested through the following methods:

Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) – Level 1

This two-day, in-person course covers the characteristics and organization of a standard municipal Emergency Operations Centre (EOC). Through a series of lectures, discussions and exercises, participants will gain the knowledge and skills they need to work as a team member in an EOC during an emergency.


  • ICS-100
Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) – Level 2

**This course is currently under construction.

Hazard Risk Vulnerability Assessment — Recovery Time Objective (HRVA-RTO) Workshop

The HRVA-RTO is a one-day workshop designed to assist the community emergency management committee in emergency management and business continuity planning. This workshop utilizes the standard approach of conducting a Hazard Risk Vulnerability Assessment and combines that assessment with critical parts of a Business Continuity process resulting in a simple document that will be useful in all four phases of emergency management.


  • N/A
Emergency Plan Development

Contact your local ESO for assistance with developing an emergency plan and associated templates.

Emergency Plan Development Workshop

This workshop outlines the legislative authority and program policies that support emergency management and helps communities create and implement a step-by-step process Emergency Plan for their community.


  • Recommend you have ICS I-100 Incident Command System
  • ICS-100 Incident Command System – Basic
  • HRVA-RTO Workshop
Emergency Plan Development – Emergency Exercises

As the provincial agency responsible for emergency preparedness in Saskatchewan, the SPSA facilitates the provincial emergency exercise program to support local authorities as they develop disaster resilient communities.

Exercises can be designed and conducted in a variety of ways, including table-top exercises or discussions, site drills or full-scale community exercises. The community can decide the best type of exercise to meet their needs.

No matter what type is chosen, exercises are the best way to conduct plan updates and revisions, as well as raise awareness within the community. These exercises will simulate emergency events, natural disasters and health threats to identify existing gaps and for improvement.

To discuss a potential emergency exercise for your community, please reach out to your local ESO.

SaskAlert Training

Communities and jurisdictions, including first responder organizations, can be trained to issue their own alerts (or have their alerts issued for them) through the provincial emergency alerting system, SaskAlert. Participation comes at no cost, and there's no need for any specialized equipment. Send an email to saskalert@gov.sk.ca or contact us to find out how you can participate.

ICS I-300: Intermediate Incident Command System for Expanding Incidents

This three-day in-class course is designed to enable you to operate efficiently using the ICS in a supervisory role on expanding incidents.


  • ICS I-100
  • ICS I-200
ICS I-400: Advanced Incident Command System

This two-day in-class course is designed to enable you to operate efficiently in the advanced application of the Incident Command System. This course provides training for personnel who are expected to perform in a management capacity in a complex incident environment.


  • ICS I-100
  • ICS I-200
  • ICS I-300
ICS I-402: Incident Command System for Executives

This ½ day in-class course is designed for community executives to have a ‘high level’ understanding of the incident command system and how ICS can be adopted within community emergency management.


  • N/A
ICS Instructor Qualifications and Application – Information Only

Are you interested in becoming an Incident Command System instructor? Ensure
you review the Instructor Standards above before completing the ICS Instructor Qualification Application form. Please submit all completed applications for review
to spsatraining@gov.sk.ca.

Visit the ICS website to view a current list of qualified ICS training providers and contractors across Canada.

Incident Command System (ICS) Course, Student and Instructor Standards – Information Only

The ICS is a management system designed to enable effective, efficient incident management by integrating a combination of facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures and communications operating within a common organizational structure. It represents organizational "best practices" and has become the standard for emergency management across the country.

Wildland Fire Suppression Awareness

This two-day awareness course is designed for firefighters and individuals who directly and indirectly encounter and fight wildland fires in Saskatchewan. The information presented during the class will aid firefighters in recognizing safe
and knowledgeable approaches while combating wildland fires. 


  • Recommended – ICS-100 Incident Command System Orientation


OFC Evaluation and Certification Guide

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