Information for Impacted Residents
In Saskatchewan, local authorities like fire, police, and emergency management usually handle emergencies first. If needed, the SPSA can help these communities.
This information is for residents facing an emergency or disaster.
SaskAlert is the best source of information for an emergency happening in your area. Find out more information about SaskAlert here.
Emergency and Community Support (ECS)
The SPSA’s Emergency and Community Support (ECS) is a program which is intended to meet the urgent, basic needs of Saskatchewan residents who have been displaced from their homes due to a disaster such as flooding or a forest fire, or any incident that forces people out of their homes. The local authority can work with the SPSA to request provincial assistance.
ECS is designed to be used for larger, more complex events where local response alone will not be adequate.
Provincial Disaster Assistance Program (PDAP)
PDAP helps residents, small businesses, agricultural operations, First Nations,
non-profit organizations and communities recover from natural disasters, including flooding, tornadoes, plow winds and other disasters caused by severe weather.
PDAP may help cover the cost of uninsurable essential losses, cleanup, repairs and temporary relocation.